

Today’s guest blog post comes from Melissa Burton, mother of Kathy who is Jesse’s partner.  Such a beautiful story of connection, which Chris believed in so fully.

From: “Melissa M. F. Burton”
Date: January 15, 2016 at 9:39:38 AM EST
Subject: A Story from one weaver to another

Hi Barbara,

My name is Melissa Burton. I am a member of the New Hampshire Weavers Guild, although I would describe myself as a dream weaver and keeper of a lot of looms and fiber…not anywhere the artist that I see in your work. I hope you don’t mind me sending this story to you but hope that the fact I wear your scarf so very often will warm your heart.

The photo below is of Chris M Way. She is the mother of my daughter’s significant other Jesse. Over the 7 years they have dated we got to know his family just enough to really enjoy our triple dates and visits. Chris was a warm, wonderful woman with a passionate spirit and the rare gift of listening to people. Sadly, Chris passed away this past September after a 20 year battle with breast cancer. When the family was going through her things my daughter Kathy saw your scarf, thought it was hand-woven and knew I would love the colors and texture.  I have worn this scarf for part of everyday since then. The grief I feel for the loss of a new friend pales beside the sorrow the Way family is experiencing, but your scarf brings me comfort. Kathy didn’t have any story behind the scarf…Chris’s sisters didn’t know the origin. Then, in December we invited Chris’s husband and sons to our home.  Jon arrived wearing one of your scarfs, in more muted but rich dark greens, blues…but still that tiny silver thread. Jon shared that he had bought both scarfs in Acton as gifts for Chris and loves wearing it.
Chris loved loved, loved color, especially blue and blue-purples. The shirt she is wearing in the photo was a favorite and we often laughed about our kids wanting us to tone down our color choices.
Your weaving has come in a wide wandering circle to me but brings much comfort, in its color ways, sparkle, softness and maybe most in its real interwoven connection and strength of love and memory.

Thank you and wishing you Peace,

PS I wore it to NHWG and lots of folks knew your work and name….ah connections.

From: Barbara Willis
Date: January 16, 2016 at 11:25:43 AM EST
Subject: Re: A story of weaving a connection from one weaver to another

Oh my Melissa, I have cold chills and tears in my eyes as I read this.  What a beautiful woman Chris was.  And such a battle she fought.  I am so sorry to hear of her death.  What a terrible loss to her family and all of you.  I send you warm and healing thoughts.

I think that Jon probably bought my scarves at Handworks Gallery on 2A in Acton.  Glenn Johnson, the owner, is a great supporter of local artists, and has a beautiful store.

I name my scarves, depending on the inspiration.  The picture of the scarf you sent, I think, is “Ode to Randy”.  I spent 2 weeks at Haystack Mt. School of Crafts in Maine in the late 90’s, in a class taught by Randall Darwall.  Randy is a wonderful weaver (you probably know of him and his work) and has been a huge inspiration to me since moving to Mass. from Calif. many years ago.  Those are many of the colors he wears.  Over the years I have given family and friends scarves when they are going through difficult times, and I hope that they bring comfort to them – that they get a hug when they put them on.  It is so moving and affirming to me to read of your wearing Chris’ scarf, and its ‘interwoven connection and strength of love and memory’.  Beautiful.

I believe that one of our earliest sensations was being wrapped in something soft, warm and comforting, and I hope I bring that to my work.  That is what I try to do with my weaving.

Thank you, Melissa, for your beautiful letter.  I will treasure it.




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